My parents are on holiday in Italy and they discovered a new Halloween Beanie Boo, a cat named Potion.
I was surprised to find out this way, since I couldn't find anything about her on internet.
Did you guys know about this mystery Beanie Boo?
Anyway, meet my Poison, my mom sent me a picture of her :)
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Beanie Boo Collector (Monday, 30 July 2018 05:10)
HarryPotterLover#1 (Monday, 30 July 2018 05:24)
You can actually find out about all the latest beanie boos in this YouTube channel called ‘Cody’s Beanie Boos.’ That’s how I find out about the latest beanie boos, even this little cutie. I recommend you to check it out. :) Also, her name is Potion not, Poison. Just letting you know. :)
:) (Monday, 30 July 2018 18:09)
Yeah I saw Poison on Cody's beanie boos video.
Beanieboos123 (Monday, 30 July 2018 23:30)
Beanie Boo Collector (Tuesday, 31 July 2018 01:51)
I saw Potion online
�� (Thursday, 02 August 2018 20:52)
She is a beanie baby so if you type in beanie boo it doesn’t come up
Daphne (beanieboocollection) (Thursday, 02 August 2018 23:29)
@Unknown, I don't know what you're seeing, but the tag clearly says Beanie Boo here on the picture.
Teagan (Friday, 31 August 2018 01:36)
(Unknown) Pretty sure she’s a boo. Tag says boo. Ya.
Lol (Friday, 31 December 2021 15:05)
Ahe is so cute! I maar gonna ask her for my birthday!�