Meet Cara the turtle, Inky the octopus,Tamoo the monkey, Gilda the flamingo, Pixy the unicorn, Gabby the goat, Harriet the horse and Butter the cow!
Pixy's eyes are just beautiful, never seen this before with a Beanie Boo :o
I just love Gabby the first Beanie Boo goat! Also I like Butter better than Daisy the first Beanie Boo cow ever made, what do you guys think?
Thanks to Maple is my favorite Beanie Boo and Cat Girl for telling me about these :)
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Maple is my favorite beanie boo (Saturday, 15 April 2017 19:06)
Thanks for the credit:).
7upgoose (Saturday, 15 April 2017 19:46)
I love pixy the unicorn
TY Toy Lover (Saturday, 15 April 2017 21:36)
OMG!!! So cute
Heather Ballou (Saturday, 15 April 2017 22:01)
I love beanie boos!!!!! Where do they sell them!!!�
Needmoreboos (Saturday, 15 April 2017 22:45)
Are these real? Pixy is really cool.
Needmoreboos (Sunday, 16 April 2017 05:22)
I'm exited for the flamingo. I saw a prototype flamingo on eBay one time and it was amazing.
Needmoreboos (Monday, 17 April 2017 20:45)
Alert! Alert! Harriet the horse on eBay! Hopefully Butter and Gabby will be on eBay soon too.
Needmoreboos (Monday, 17 April 2017 20:48)
The seller for Harriet is sunnygo4.
Slice of pie (Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:21)
There are three new beanie boo's gabby that's a goat butter a cow and Harriet the horde they were at the beanie boo panel a toy fair and there are also beanie boo figures
Sabrina (Wednesday, 19 April 2017 18:00)
Hi do you know if pixy is going to be in store soon?
Beanie Boo Girl (Friday, 21 April 2017 17:18)
Omgosh the Unicorn is so pretty and Maple is so cute I'm in love with these guys!
Cat Girl (Friday, 21 April 2017 23:30)
Just to let you know there are four beanie boos that you haven't posted...they are:
Harriet the Horse
Butter the Cow
Gabby the Goat
And the last one is a Sea World exclusive: Cara the Sea Turtle
Audrey (Saturday, 22 April 2017 02:09)
These are so cute!!!! I luv the rainbow eyes!
BTW, my sister went to Toys R Us and found a Claire's exclusive Beanie Boo there! (Violet the leopard) What's that all about?
Tulip Jamma (Saturday, 22 April 2017 20:34)
Hey, if any one is looking for Harriet she is on sale at the Ty website for $5.99
Link to website right her --->
You're welcome! :)
Needmoreboos (Sunday, 23 April 2017 05:51)
@Audrey My Toys R Us has a Claire's section inside it. I'm not sure why but hey, I'll take it.
Needmoreboos (Sunday, 23 April 2017 05:54)
Is Cara really a Seaworld exlusive? Does Seaworld really need two exclusives? Whatever I guess.
LOVES EXCLUSIVES (Monday, 24 April 2017 08:26)
I new about Cara but not the others
Jinxy#1 (Tuesday, 25 April 2017 12:41)
Why are there so many new boos I don't even have all the other new ones. I love all of these ones don't get me wrong. The cow is cute.
Needmoreboos (Friday, 28 April 2017 08:38)
I also like Butter better than Daisy. Butter just seems more realistic and cute. I hope to get Harriet. I like horses and I don't have Dakota.
Horses of the Mist (Friday, 28 April 2017 17:21)
I'm wanting these ones: Gabby, Harriet, and Pixy!
Julie (Sunday, 07 May 2017 15:58)
Kianna❤️Beanie Boos (Monday, 08 May 2017 05:56)
I love them!!! I may be wrong, but I kinda think Pixy COULD BE a fake because of her eyes...They're beautiful but sorta unrealistic ya know??
Cheese (Thursday, 11 May 2017 01:45)
ATTENTION: Butter,Gabby,and Harriet are real!!! Just saw them on the TY website. :)
LOVES EXCLUSIVES (Sunday, 14 May 2017 02:04)
Octopus is Big 5 sporting good exclusive Inky the octopus. Also I do think the rainbow eyed unicorn is not a beanie boo and is made bye another toy company. The rainbow doesn't have sparkly eyes.
Iheartbeanieboos (Sunday, 14 May 2017 10:12)
I saw Harriet at a store
~Sondra (Wednesday, 24 May 2017 01:21)
Cara turtle is now out at SeaWorld. Two sizes so far - small and clip.
Horses of the Mist (Friday, 26 May 2017 04:25)
I went shopping yesterday and bought these ones: Cara, Pixy, Gabby, Butter, & Harriet.
Mera (Tuesday, 30 May 2017 11:59)
Where do you get these? I LOVE GABBY!
Mera (Tuesday, 30 May 2017 13:46)
Is Gabby an exclusive of Justice or Claire's?
Maple is my favorite beanie boo (Sunday, 04 June 2017 19:19)
@Horses of the Mist where did you get Gabby and Pixy?
Needmoreboos (Wednesday, 07 June 2017 05:04)
@Horses of the Mist, Wait, you got Pixy?! What does she look like in person? Are the eyes as pretty?
I'veGot168ofthemBoos (Saturday, 10 June 2017 23:28)
I love gabby too, mera!!!
Horses of the Mist (Tuesday, 13 June 2017 16:15)
I bought them both off of Amazon, but I don't know if the seller still sells them or not. @Needmoreboos, Pixy is really pretty and cute! Her eyes look better than the picture for sure!
Sabrina (Wednesday, 14 June 2017 18:17)
Where do you see all these news? i want them all they are so cute! i allready have harriet and butter but i can't find the others.
MikuChan (Sunday, 25 June 2017 21:13)
Ahh I need the flamingo!
HorsesoftheMist (Saturday, 08 July 2017 03:55)
When I was on vacation and we stopped at that place in Texas called The Big Texan that serves the world-famous 72 ounce steak, in the store they had BBs! I found the Paw Patrol gang, some classic ones, and they had Harriet there!
Olivia (Tuesday, 19 September 2017 00:45)
way too CUTE .need all of them .......
Rainbow (Saturday, 02 June 2018 16:24)
I have butter the cow and Gilda the flamingo and Harriet the horse