Please people do not buy the so called 1st UK Beanie Boo Peanut that's now on eBay from homepage2009, I can see that
it's a fake, look at the tush tag and you'll know.
1st UK releases do have the name on the tush tag, but the tag should be double (in a loop), also never trust sellers when you can't see the info on the back on the tush tag. Also, this elephant looks
too new to be from 2009. Most 1st UK's that have been pre owned (and where the tag is removed by non collectors) don't look so new. Also very weird that he took it off line earlier than the auction
should've ended.
/:)Sheila(Wednesday, 11 February 2015 16:20)
I've warned all my beanie boo friends about this!Ps the mystery unicorn's name is Fantasia.I also just ordered flora from amazon.
He has sold quite a few of these recently-one sold for £335.90!
Libby(Wednesday, 11 February 2015 22:28)
good was going to by it now not going to
Sonya Saville(Saturday, 14 February 2015 19:13)
The tush tag is already looped since I can see the tush tag look authentic to me. I have seen upclose picture that it is already looped. I have got Tundra from Homepage, and I knew instantly that it
was counterfeit. It has silky smooth, stiff tush tag- and authentic Tundra has rough texture stiff tush tag. The hangtag has different color- too purplish, and the blue lining around the heart was
too light. The print inside was too dark. The serial number on back was too bold. Tundra was too skinny and the blue lining on its ears and the paws was too blue. Now, I know what the counterfiets
looks like on purple tags Boo's. About this Peanut, I have bought one good priced-that will come with hangtag....and I will check the tush tag along with my originals. I can have my money refunded
within 14 days if I spot this Peanut is indeed counterfiet. I will keep you posted.
Sonya Saville(Saturday, 14 February 2015 19:31)
I have bought all my 5 UK originals that looks brand new. It was minty mint hangtag- that I bought on November 2012. It was 3 years old. Some collectors knows the originals always valuable- so it has
never been played with. Now mine is over 5 years old- still minty mint. There are very few beanie boos being that old are minty mint. Maybe Homepage2009 knew it is rare being the originals---and he
could have save them in the storage untouched. I have bought many boos from him-that almost all of them were authentic til I saw Tundra. For the first time ever, I found the counterfiet Tundra,
Clover and Candy Cane were counterfiet just recently. I have been searching to find the COUNTERFIETS- telling signs by its hangtag/tush tag. i believe Homepage2009 wasn't aware of it being
counterfiets. I save them in my collection for reference to counsel other collectors how to spot fakes.
@allthingsbeanieboos, Very cool site Lucy! :D
That's maybe an other reason why they're fake, they haven't been made since 2009 and very hard to find and now suddenly 1st UK Peanuts are popping up everywhere? Sounds fishy to me.
@Sonya Saville, It's really good you can see when a Beanie Boo is counterfeit, because it's in the details. Please keep us posted about the Peanut, to me it looks like a fake one made later on. Also,
since you say he's selling counterfeit Boos recently the chance could be bigger this Peanut is too. It could be he had them in stock, but still he didn't start selling Boos till just recently, how
would he have gotten them? Also some Peanuts don't have the heart tag which is weird too. If they would be in exellent condition and looking that new the tag wouldn't have been missing I believe.
Anyway, PLEASE let me know once you got your Peanut!!
@Daphne-Thanks XD. Yes,its a bit strange how these very rarely(hardly ever) pop up on eBay,and then all of a sudden,one seller in China has loads of them,that to me,can't have been made in 2009-it
looks in too good condition.I think this seller should be taken of eBay,because he has a past reputation of selling counterfeits( cats,christmas bear,snail...).
@Daphne -check Homepage 2009 has listed another one 1st UK peanut,,,,
Rhys(Tuesday, 17 February 2015 09:25)
I agree with what you're saying, but you can't know until you have it in hand. The tush is looped. My UK 1st Bamboo was from China, it is 100% authentic. You've also got to remember if these peanuts
don't have hang tags, it is possible they were taken from production before the hang tags were attached.
Also @allthingsbeanieboos, the cats, Christmas bear and also the snail are authentic prototypes. As I said, I got an authentic 1st Bamboo from China so it is possible for them to be authentic.
/:)Sheila(Tuesday, 17 February 2015 16:53)
Sonya Saville-Maybe hold off from buying retired boos homepage2009 is selling for awhile!❤️
it a real avertisement dont buy form this seller!! is a réal scammer i see the difference!!!
/:)Sheila(Wednesday, 18 February 2015 02:22)
I know this doesn't have to do with peanut but I just received Flora from the mail and she is mint. But I found that on the back of her tush it said distributed by Big Balloon! Is this counterfeit?!
Sonya Saville(Wednesday, 18 February 2015 02:58)
Daphne- I just got the Peanut today. I compare it with my UK originals on its tush tag-and other information I got from email to help me to track my Peanut to see if it's authentic or counterfeit. I
am sorry to inform that my Peanut is indeed COUNTERFEIT. I am opening the dispute with the seller to get my refund back and return it back to him. I will keep you post. I will email you with good
information how to spot original UK PEANUT fakes.
/:)Sheila(Wednesday, 18 February 2015 03:39)
Sonya Saville did peanut say big balloon on its tush tag?
@Rhys & allthingsbeanieboos, I actually don't think it were actual prototypes since Secret Bean a TY worker told me TY doesn't sell their prototypes.. Also, it's hard to believe homepage2009
would have such Boos since he started selling Beanie Boos just last year.
@/:)Sheila, Normally the Boo shouldn't have Big Balloon on it's tush, the only place where it could've been is on the heart tag like you have with the Justice and Claire's Beanie Boos. I've never
seen anything like that on a tush of my Boos. But I'm not 100% sure since it actually hasn't been released. That's why I always wait for the release to be sure I have authentic Beanie Boos.
@Sonya Saville, I'm very sorry to hear your Peanut wasn't real. I'm glad I put up a post like this, more collector should be warned! I will post more info about this Peanut on my site later today.
/:)Sheila(Wednesday, 18 February 2015 16:08)
Daphne- Thanks and I think I know were homepage2009 gets his boos! Big Balloon! My flora's tush also has a size difference! There flora's do too!
/:)Sheila- So you did pre-order Flora.... Of you ordered her/him off of amazon or eBay, and by a seller (CIDNYSBEANS) then you should be good. She is one of the top sellers on eBay and only sells
REAL boos, at least that is what I've heard
/:)Sheila(Wednesday, 18 February 2015 19:11)
Nnylhsa lovv- I didn't pre-order her. I thought I pre-ordered her but I didn't. She came way to early to be a pre-order. I bought her off amazon. I'm never buying off amazon again because I emailed
ty and flora is 100% counterfeit, and my mom's book just came in and the book was really expensive and it turns out that the book was different but with the day book cover. That was bought from
amazon too. I'm also never buying from CIDNYSBEANS ever again either.
Well, I found nothing odd with Slick. BUT I did look at Grapes, which was also ordered from CIDNYSBEANS and it indeed said distributed by Big Balloon! :( hopefully Whiskers, another beanie I ordered
from CIDNYSBEANS is not a fake from Big Balloon. I'm pretty sure that floras gonna be a fake. We should be like beanie boo spies:) LOL
/:)Sheila(Thursday, 19 February 2015 20:28)
Nnylhnsa Lovv-You too? I'm hoping to get a return! She still Haden's redponded! Right now I'm think to myself not to ever buy from CIDNYSBEANS!
Sonya Saville(Saturday, 21 February 2015 05:30)
Hi everybody! Any beanie boos that has BIG BALLOON on tush tag- it's from Australia-and it is authentic. It's rare to have AUSTRALIAN version boos that has website address on tush tag. It is not
FAKES beanie boos. I have several of them in my collection and they are genuine.
/:)Sheila(Saturday, 21 February 2015 05:46)
Sonya-Yes I am sooo happy! It took two days for CIDNYSBEANS to convince me it is real!I also had a longgg email to ty!
@Martina -the ones with a tush tag but has no name is probably a genuine beanie as long as it has the info on the back and is a weird/rough/bubbly material.
/:)Sheila(Friday, 27 February 2015 23:57)
Martina- The beanie boos with no name on the tush tag is UK version. Fakes have wrong fabric maybe a little heavier and might not be as soft.
@Martina, Yes, /:)Sheila is right, the Beanie Boos with no name on the tush tag are from the UK :)
Beanie boo lover(Thursday, 12 March 2015 00:25)
Beanie boo lover(Friday, 13 March 2015 00:48)
I'm sorry Sonya I didint mean it I herd you were def and I felt bad I just red on there fake and China rejects
/:)Sheila(Friday, 13 March 2015 14:48)
Beanie boo lover- Well that was a little rude. I have Flora and she is perfectly fine. Big Balloon is the Austraila retailor. That was very rude and I advise you to control your temper.
@Beanie boo lover, Please refrain yourself from such comments or your future comments will be removed from this site. I did not create this site so people can insult other people. I hope you
Beanie boo lover(Friday, 13 March 2015 22:29)
I'm very sorry I just have an angry spot when it comes to beanie boos
I to love flora adorable skunk and I love sonyas videos
Can you please forgive me I'm only 9
Beanie boo lover(Friday, 13 March 2015 22:43)
I'm sorry I'm so sorry
I love beanie boos and I love your site. I guess I was just jelis I don't relly have bubblegum or kiwi I ju wanted you to think I was cool the only rare beanie boo I have is phantom
Beanie boo lover(Friday, 13 March 2015 22:51)
Sorry and t-bone and tomato I have them
Beanie boo lover(Friday, 13 March 2015 22:56)
And I get bad temper when I here(Astralia) BEACAUSE my bff moved there and I'm in America I just get sad and start
Leah(Saturday, 21 March 2015 21:25)
I have an original uk 1st version beanie boo kiwi
but doesn't have the tag on it does anyone know what it will be worth on ebay ?
thanks in advance
peyton(Friday, 03 April 2015 15:25)
i love and want the first uk version of peanut
SOPHIA(Saturday, 23 May 2015 23:04)
beanieboosrule(Monday, 08 June 2015 18:11)
Come on, it is sooooooooooo easy to tell!!!
Allison(Thursday, 09 July 2015 23:42)
I don't get it what's so wrong about the elephant
Jimbo(Tuesday, 21 July 2015 23:23)
Hi all. Please be aware that every Beanie Boos Collector should surf the Internet for the Fake China ones. We all should know that this Pink "Peanut" is for sale for only 7 US Dollar and free
shipping to all over the world. Please all be carefull !!
Keanna(Sunday, 27 September 2015 03:32)
I just got the original peanut in the mail today and it has the loop and the tag has all the information
Leona the leopard(Friday, 19 February 2016 02:59)
It is a fake but homepage isn't her shop name anymore
That's so weird. A fake beanie boo. I recently saw a Cashmere with wrong eyes and a red tag. (I think Cashmere ended so I am going to look)
Kitten Girl(Sunday, 15 January 2017 05:14)
Wait! Maybe the red tag with no name exists on beanie boos (some)
JR(Sunday, 19 February 2017 01:23)
The tush tag is purple idk if they are different in the U.K. But in the U.S.A. They are pink
Needmoreboos(Monday, 27 February 2017 20:43)
Autocorrect strikes again! I just noticed that it had my website name changed to Needmorebood! :)
Darcje's Boos(Sunday, 21 May 2017 06:03)
Aww dang! There's so many fake boos going around now � I got a Bamboo from one seller and it was authentic, but when I got Tundra from the same seller, she was SO 100% fake!
Rocker2018(Sunday, 04 March 2018 22:25)
Beanie boo COLLECTOR(Friday, 27 April 2018 19:48)
Don't buy from homepage2009! Fake seller!
Lucky(Sunday, 07 October 2018 22:14)
What does it mean if my beanie boo has no name written on the inside of the hang tag?
Daphne (beanieboocollection)(Monday, 08 October 2018 08:03)
@Lucky, I believe it could be fake, but not sure.
Anonymous(Monday, 18 February 2019 08:19)
Hello! I found this "original peanut" on ebay being sold by a user named beanieboo21. Please help me identify if this is real or fake!!
Daphne (beanieboocollection)(Monday, 18 February 2019 08:25)
@Anonymous, That one is definitely a fake. The hang tag color is way too pink, it should be dark purple. Also the hang tag holder is white which should be red with the Original first UK exclusives.
So by that alone I can see it's not authentic.
MIDNIGHTtheproxy(Friday, 26 April 2019 00:45)
Scammers these days...
Milena Tay(Monday, 17 August 2020 07:45)
Did you know that all tags are different? Almost every year the tag changes, the colour purple or blue on the tag is meaning that it's an original. And that it's old.
Charlotte(Sunday, 01 November 2020 18:17)
Hey guys. I’ve been reading through these and I have an original peanut, grey fur and pink ears. I’ve had him for five years! I have pictures of him too. I was just wondering if anyone would be able
to help me figure out his worth? Thank you! My Instagram is _charlmilia I’d be happy to share pics of him.
BeanieBooExpert(Tuesday, 08 December 2020 23:44)
A way to tell if fake is reading the back of the tag. I purchased a Lindi who was fake and compared it to my REAL Lindi
Had no tag on ear....tush tag had different info on could see outline where mouth uaed to be...odd fabric....tag texture was different.
Had mouth..real rush tag..right fabric and tag texture...ear tag...
If your fake has a swing tag, it is a bit bigger then real tag.
Hope it helps
Beanie Boo Wolf(Thursday, 14 January 2021 18:45)
I saw one for sale on eBay, idk if its fake or real
Alice(Wednesday, 26 May 2021 16:05)
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fake the one on eBay is real
I bought one from the uk but its not showing me or telling me when it's coming and I made sure I bought it
Anonyme(Sunday, 23 October 2022 13:54)
Hello, I’m French, please translate this message French in your language.
Il y a peu de temps, j’ai acheté un Ty Beanie Boos, soit disant. C’est Bamboo, la première génération. Seulement, sur son étiquette, il n’y a que son prénom. Rien d’autres. Et sur celle d’à côté, il
n’y qu’une référence.
Sur l’étiquette que vous parler sur cette page, elle est rouge, date de 2013, n’est pas en boucle et quand on l’as touche, on sent de petit relief (exactement comme la photo de cette page).
Voilà, du coup je doute… Merci de me répondre.
Daphne (beanieboocollection)(Tuesday, 25 October 2022 14:30)
@Anonyme, Pas de problème je comprends car je parle un peu de Français (j'habite en Belgique).
Si l'étiquette de Bamboo est rouge et pas mauve, je pense que vous avez acheté la génération qui est venue après la vraie première génération.
Vous avez acheté la version rééditée.
Ci-dessous vous trouvez un lien où vous pouvez trouver plus d'info concernant les étiquettes:
Mac158202(Wednesday, 08 February 2023 00:09)
The tush tag isn't in a loop so it's fake and the tag should be pink
cool boo collection(yt)(Tuesday, 27 June 2023 01:28)
Ive never seen a fake beanie boo but I do have a oddity one(cobalt) and I bought piper for 10 dollars from eBay (not sure what seller) and I think she's fake?! Ok so on her wars the fur is the wrong
way, When you touch them the fur spreads apart. And her was looks like it was seen on! You can see the white seam and on other pipers theres a black seam! What do you guys think?
Write a comment
Emily (Tuesday, 10 February 2015 22:19)
I won't but the tush tag looks normal. What's wrong with it?
GG (Tuesday, 10 February 2015 23:54)
yeah I don't get whats wrong with the tush tag so whats wrong with it ???? :/
beanie boo queen (Wednesday, 11 February 2015 01:10)
first uk releases didn't include the name on the tag also the tag was pink
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Wednesday, 11 February 2015 14:47)
1st UK releases do have the name on the tush tag, but the tag should be double (in a loop), also never trust sellers when you can't see the info on the back on the tush tag. Also, this elephant looks too new to be from 2009. Most 1st UK's that have been pre owned (and where the tag is removed by non collectors) don't look so new. Also very weird that he took it off line earlier than the auction should've ended.
/:)Sheila (Wednesday, 11 February 2015 16:20)
I've warned all my beanie boo friends about this!Ps the mystery unicorn's name is Fantasia.I also just ordered flora from amazon.
allthingsbeanieboos (Wednesday, 11 February 2015 21:04)
This is Lucy,btw
He has sold quite a few of these recently-one sold for £335.90!
Libby (Wednesday, 11 February 2015 22:28)
good was going to by it now not going to
Sonya Saville (Saturday, 14 February 2015 19:13)
The tush tag is already looped since I can see the tush tag look authentic to me. I have seen upclose picture that it is already looped. I have got Tundra from Homepage, and I knew instantly that it was counterfeit. It has silky smooth, stiff tush tag- and authentic Tundra has rough texture stiff tush tag. The hangtag has different color- too purplish, and the blue lining around the heart was too light. The print inside was too dark. The serial number on back was too bold. Tundra was too skinny and the blue lining on its ears and the paws was too blue. Now, I know what the counterfiets looks like on purple tags Boo's. About this Peanut, I have bought one good priced-that will come with hangtag....and I will check the tush tag along with my originals. I can have my money refunded within 14 days if I spot this Peanut is indeed counterfiet. I will keep you posted.
Sonya Saville (Saturday, 14 February 2015 19:31)
I have bought all my 5 UK originals that looks brand new. It was minty mint hangtag- that I bought on November 2012. It was 3 years old. Some collectors knows the originals always valuable- so it has never been played with. Now mine is over 5 years old- still minty mint. There are very few beanie boos being that old are minty mint. Maybe Homepage2009 knew it is rare being the originals---and he could have save them in the storage untouched. I have bought many boos from him-that almost all of them were authentic til I saw Tundra. For the first time ever, I found the counterfiet Tundra, Clover and Candy Cane were counterfiet just recently. I have been searching to find the COUNTERFIETS- telling signs by its hangtag/tush tag. i believe Homepage2009 wasn't aware of it being counterfiets. I save them in my collection for reference to counsel other collectors how to spot fakes.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Sunday, 15 February 2015 12:30)
@allthingsbeanieboos, Very cool site Lucy! :D
That's maybe an other reason why they're fake, they haven't been made since 2009 and very hard to find and now suddenly 1st UK Peanuts are popping up everywhere? Sounds fishy to me.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Sunday, 15 February 2015 12:36)
@Sonya Saville, It's really good you can see when a Beanie Boo is counterfeit, because it's in the details. Please keep us posted about the Peanut, to me it looks like a fake one made later on. Also, since you say he's selling counterfeit Boos recently the chance could be bigger this Peanut is too. It could be he had them in stock, but still he didn't start selling Boos till just recently, how would he have gotten them? Also some Peanuts don't have the heart tag which is weird too. If they would be in exellent condition and looking that new the tag wouldn't have been missing I believe. Anyway, PLEASE let me know once you got your Peanut!!
allthingsbeanieboos (Sunday, 15 February 2015 15:02)
@Daphne-Thanks XD. Yes,its a bit strange how these very rarely(hardly ever) pop up on eBay,and then all of a sudden,one seller in China has loads of them,that to me,can't have been made in 2009-it looks in too good condition.I think this seller should be taken of eBay,because he has a past reputation of selling counterfeits( cats,christmas bear,snail...).
allthingsbeanieboos (Monday, 16 February 2015 22:59)
@Daphne -check Homepage 2009 has listed another one 1st UK peanut,,,,
Rhys (Tuesday, 17 February 2015 09:25)
I agree with what you're saying, but you can't know until you have it in hand. The tush is looped. My UK 1st Bamboo was from China, it is 100% authentic. You've also got to remember if these peanuts don't have hang tags, it is possible they were taken from production before the hang tags were attached.
Also @allthingsbeanieboos, the cats, Christmas bear and also the snail are authentic prototypes. As I said, I got an authentic 1st Bamboo from China so it is possible for them to be authentic.
/:)Sheila (Tuesday, 17 February 2015 16:53)
Sonya Saville-Maybe hold off from buying retired boos homepage2009 is selling for awhile!❤️
allthingsbeanieboos (Tuesday, 17 February 2015 19:20)
@Rhys,ok and can we trade boos? I have 176.
manon-9342 (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 01:56)
it a real avertisement dont buy form this seller!! is a réal scammer i see the difference!!!
/:)Sheila (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 02:22)
I know this doesn't have to do with peanut but I just received Flora from the mail and she is mint. But I found that on the back of her tush it said distributed by Big Balloon! Is this counterfeit?!
Sonya Saville (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 02:58)
Daphne- I just got the Peanut today. I compare it with my UK originals on its tush tag-and other information I got from email to help me to track my Peanut to see if it's authentic or counterfeit. I am sorry to inform that my Peanut is indeed COUNTERFEIT. I am opening the dispute with the seller to get my refund back and return it back to him. I will keep you post. I will email you with good information how to spot original UK PEANUT fakes.
/:)Sheila (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 03:39)
Sonya Saville did peanut say big balloon on its tush tag?
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 13:24)
@Rhys & allthingsbeanieboos, I actually don't think it were actual prototypes since Secret Bean a TY worker told me TY doesn't sell their prototypes.. Also, it's hard to believe homepage2009 would have such Boos since he started selling Beanie Boos just last year.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 13:24)
@manon-9342, Glad you agree with me! :)
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 13:28)
@/:)Sheila, Normally the Boo shouldn't have Big Balloon on it's tush, the only place where it could've been is on the heart tag like you have with the Justice and Claire's Beanie Boos. I've never seen anything like that on a tush of my Boos. But I'm not 100% sure since it actually hasn't been released. That's why I always wait for the release to be sure I have authentic Beanie Boos.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 13:30)
@Sonya Saville, I'm very sorry to hear your Peanut wasn't real. I'm glad I put up a post like this, more collector should be warned! I will post more info about this Peanut on my site later today.
/:)Sheila (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 16:08)
Daphne- Thanks and I think I know were homepage2009 gets his boos! Big Balloon! My flora's tush also has a size difference! There flora's do too!
Nnylhsa lovv (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 17:37)
/:)Sheila- So you did pre-order Flora.... Of you ordered her/him off of amazon or eBay, and by a seller (CIDNYSBEANS) then you should be good. She is one of the top sellers on eBay and only sells REAL boos, at least that is what I've heard
/:)Sheila (Wednesday, 18 February 2015 19:11)
Nnylhsa lovv- I didn't pre-order her. I thought I pre-ordered her but I didn't. She came way to early to be a pre-order. I bought her off amazon. I'm never buying off amazon again because I emailed ty and flora is 100% counterfeit, and my mom's book just came in and the book was really expensive and it turns out that the book was different but with the day book cover. That was bought from amazon too. I'm also never buying from CIDNYSBEANS ever again either.
Nnylhsa lovv (Thursday, 19 February 2015 04:57)
/:)Sheila- I've bought Slick from CIDNYSBEANS and than another from Claires... I'll compare, than get back to you ;)
Nnylhsa lovv (Thursday, 19 February 2015 05:07)
Well, I found nothing odd with Slick. BUT I did look at Grapes, which was also ordered from CIDNYSBEANS and it indeed said distributed by Big Balloon! :( hopefully Whiskers, another beanie I ordered from CIDNYSBEANS is not a fake from Big Balloon. I'm pretty sure that floras gonna be a fake. We should be like beanie boo spies:) LOL
/:)Sheila (Thursday, 19 February 2015 20:28)
Nnylhnsa Lovv-You too? I'm hoping to get a return! She still Haden's redponded! Right now I'm think to myself not to ever buy from CIDNYSBEANS!
Sonya Saville (Saturday, 21 February 2015 05:30)
Hi everybody! Any beanie boos that has BIG BALLOON on tush tag- it's from Australia-and it is authentic. It's rare to have AUSTRALIAN version boos that has website address on tush tag. It is not FAKES beanie boos. I have several of them in my collection and they are genuine.
/:)Sheila (Saturday, 21 February 2015 05:46)
Sonya-Yes I am sooo happy! It took two days for CIDNYSBEANS to convince me it is real!I also had a longgg email to ty!
Beanie Boo Queen (Monday, 23 February 2015 00:38)
Nnylhsa lovv Oh, but we are just by reading this.
Nnylhsa lovv (Tuesday, 24 February 2015 05:29)
Beanie Boo Queen- I'm sorry I don't understand
Beanie Boo Queen (Tuesday, 24 February 2015 23:38)
Nnylhsa lovv- What I meant was that we are all Beanie Boo spies just by coming to this website :)
Martina (Friday, 27 February 2015 18:35)
I need help knowing fakes, I have a few but some have the TY tush tag but no name on them
allthingsbeanieboos (Friday, 27 February 2015 19:55)
@Martina -the ones with a tush tag but has no name is probably a genuine beanie as long as it has the info on the back and is a weird/rough/bubbly material.
/:)Sheila (Friday, 27 February 2015 23:57)
Martina- The beanie boos with no name on the tush tag is UK version. Fakes have wrong fabric maybe a little heavier and might not be as soft.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Monday, 02 March 2015 16:49)
@Martina, Yes, /:)Sheila is right, the Beanie Boos with no name on the tush tag are from the UK :)
Beanie boo lover (Thursday, 12 March 2015 00:25)
Beanie boo lover (Friday, 13 March 2015 00:48)
I'm sorry Sonya I didint mean it I herd you were def and I felt bad I just red on there fake and China rejects
/:)Sheila (Friday, 13 March 2015 14:48)
Beanie boo lover- Well that was a little rude. I have Flora and she is perfectly fine. Big Balloon is the Austraila retailor. That was very rude and I advise you to control your temper.
Daphne (Beanie Boo collection) (Friday, 13 March 2015 18:06)
@Beanie boo lover, Please refrain yourself from such comments or your future comments will be removed from this site. I did not create this site so people can insult other people. I hope you understand.
Beanie boo lover (Friday, 13 March 2015 22:29)
I'm very sorry I just have an angry spot when it comes to beanie boos
I to love flora adorable skunk and I love sonyas videos
Can you please forgive me I'm only 9
Beanie boo lover (Friday, 13 March 2015 22:43)
I'm sorry I'm so sorry
I love beanie boos and I love your site. I guess I was just jelis I don't relly have bubblegum or kiwi I ju wanted you to think I was cool the only rare beanie boo I have is phantom
Beanie boo lover (Friday, 13 March 2015 22:51)
Sorry and t-bone and tomato I have them
Beanie boo lover (Friday, 13 March 2015 22:56)
And I get bad temper when I here(Astralia) BEACAUSE my bff moved there and I'm in America I just get sad and start
Leah (Saturday, 21 March 2015 21:25)
I have an original uk 1st version beanie boo kiwi
but doesn't have the tag on it does anyone know what it will be worth on ebay ?
thanks in advance
peyton (Friday, 03 April 2015 15:25)
i love and want the first uk version of peanut
SOPHIA (Saturday, 23 May 2015 23:04)
beanieboosrule (Monday, 08 June 2015 18:11)
Come on, it is sooooooooooo easy to tell!!!
Allison (Thursday, 09 July 2015 23:42)
I don't get it what's so wrong about the elephant
Jimbo (Tuesday, 21 July 2015 23:23)
Hi all. Please be aware that every Beanie Boos Collector should surf the Internet for the Fake China ones. We all should know that this Pink "Peanut" is for sale for only 7 US Dollar and free shipping to all over the world. Please all be carefull !!
Keanna (Sunday, 27 September 2015 03:32)
I just got the original peanut in the mail today and it has the loop and the tag has all the information
Leona the leopard (Friday, 19 February 2016 02:59)
It is a fake but homepage isn't her shop name anymore
I love beanie boos (Saturday, 20 February 2016 02:35)
Yes i know beanie boo origanal peanut is a fake but big balloon is just a website that sells beanie boos
I love beanie boos (Saturday, 20 February 2016 02:39)
For you guys in the USA(like me)it's almost like target
Aria beanie boo (Friday, 26 February 2016 13:54)
that's mean
Audrey (Wednesday, 18 May 2016 02:07)
I saw another fake one still up on ebay.
Audrey (Thursday, 26 May 2016 22:54)
AUGHH! I saw like, 4 fake ones without tags, wrong tush tags, and smooth fur!
It's true (Thursday, 22 September 2016 08:40)
The eyes are darker then usual its a remake
Needmorebood (Monday, 12 December 2016 19:26)
Do all beanie boos have loop tags?
Daphne (beanieboocollection) (Tuesday, 13 December 2016 18:06)
@It's true, No only the 1st UK Beanie Boos :)
Kitten Girl (Friday, 06 January 2017 17:33)
That's so weird. A fake beanie boo. I recently saw a Cashmere with wrong eyes and a red tag. (I think Cashmere ended so I am going to look)
Kitten Girl (Sunday, 15 January 2017 05:14)
Wait! Maybe the red tag with no name exists on beanie boos (some)
JR (Sunday, 19 February 2017 01:23)
The tush tag is purple idk if they are different in the U.K. But in the U.S.A. They are pink
Needmoreboos (Monday, 27 February 2017 20:43)
Autocorrect strikes again! I just noticed that it had my website name changed to Needmorebood! :)
Darcje's Boos (Sunday, 21 May 2017 06:03)
Aww dang! There's so many fake boos going around now � I got a Bamboo from one seller and it was authentic, but when I got Tundra from the same seller, she was SO 100% fake!
Rocker2018 (Sunday, 04 March 2018 22:25)
Beanie boo COLLECTOR (Friday, 27 April 2018 19:48)
Don't buy from homepage2009! Fake seller!
Lucky (Sunday, 07 October 2018 22:14)
What does it mean if my beanie boo has no name written on the inside of the hang tag?
Daphne (beanieboocollection) (Monday, 08 October 2018 08:03)
@Lucky, I believe it could be fake, but not sure.
Anonymous (Monday, 18 February 2019 08:19)
Hello! I found this "original peanut" on ebay being sold by a user named beanieboo21. Please help me identify if this is real or fake!!
Daphne (beanieboocollection) (Monday, 18 February 2019 08:25)
@Anonymous, That one is definitely a fake. The hang tag color is way too pink, it should be dark purple. Also the hang tag holder is white which should be red with the Original first UK exclusives. So by that alone I can see it's not authentic.
MIDNIGHTtheproxy (Friday, 26 April 2019 00:45)
Scammers these days...
Milena Tay (Monday, 17 August 2020 07:45)
Did you know that all tags are different? Almost every year the tag changes, the colour purple or blue on the tag is meaning that it's an original. And that it's old.
Charlotte (Sunday, 01 November 2020 18:17)
Hey guys. I’ve been reading through these and I have an original peanut, grey fur and pink ears. I’ve had him for five years! I have pictures of him too. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me figure out his worth? Thank you! My Instagram is _charlmilia I’d be happy to share pics of him.
BeanieBooExpert (Tuesday, 08 December 2020 23:44)
A way to tell if fake is reading the back of the tag. I purchased a Lindi who was fake and compared it to my REAL Lindi
Had no tag on ear....tush tag had different info on could see outline where mouth uaed to be...odd fabric....tag texture was different.
Had mouth..real rush tag..right fabric and tag texture...ear tag...
If your fake has a swing tag, it is a bit bigger then real tag.
Hope it helps
Beanie Boo Wolf (Thursday, 14 January 2021 18:45)
I saw one for sale on eBay, idk if its fake or real
Alice (Wednesday, 26 May 2021 16:05)
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fake the one on eBay is real
Alice (Sunday, 15 August 2021 05:43)
Milly (Friday, 07 October 2022 03:45)
I bought one from the uk but its not showing me or telling me when it's coming and I made sure I bought it
Anonyme (Sunday, 23 October 2022 13:54)
Hello, I’m French, please translate this message French in your language.
Il y a peu de temps, j’ai acheté un Ty Beanie Boos, soit disant. C’est Bamboo, la première génération. Seulement, sur son étiquette, il n’y a que son prénom. Rien d’autres. Et sur celle d’à côté, il n’y qu’une référence.
Sur l’étiquette que vous parler sur cette page, elle est rouge, date de 2013, n’est pas en boucle et quand on l’as touche, on sent de petit relief (exactement comme la photo de cette page).
Voilà, du coup je doute… Merci de me répondre.
Daphne (beanieboocollection) (Tuesday, 25 October 2022 14:30)
@Anonyme, Pas de problème je comprends car je parle un peu de Français (j'habite en Belgique).
Si l'étiquette de Bamboo est rouge et pas mauve, je pense que vous avez acheté la génération qui est venue après la vraie première génération.
Vous avez acheté la version rééditée.
Ci-dessous vous trouvez un lien où vous pouvez trouver plus d'info concernant les étiquettes:
Mac158202 (Wednesday, 08 February 2023 00:09)
The tush tag isn't in a loop so it's fake and the tag should be pink
cool boo collection(yt) (Tuesday, 27 June 2023 01:28)
Ive never seen a fake beanie boo but I do have a oddity one(cobalt) and I bought piper for 10 dollars from eBay (not sure what seller) and I think she's fake?! Ok so on her wars the fur is the wrong way, When you touch them the fur spreads apart. And her was looks like it was seen on! You can see the white seam and on other pipers theres a black seam! What do you guys think?